God has no abandoned project.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Philippians 1:6 KJV.

God has no abandoned project, the great work that he started in you, he will perfect it to his glory. Trust him.
God is still in the character cleansing, and life transforming business.

Like the great Porter that he is, he melts, moulds, fills and uses his children to bring honor to his holy name. He changes and transforms us to his Divine nature, if we let him.
While he is doing that, he is ironing out all the creases, removing all the pebbles, cutting out the long tail of pride, transforming the heart of stone and instilling humility, obedience, love and peace etc.
All you need do is submit and surrender your life unto him.
When he finishes, you become a master piece, a vessel of gold.
Have you submitted and surrendered yourself to the great Porter to be transformed yet?
Don't linger any longer, no more procrastination, do it today.
God bless you .

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