It is a beautiful day today. What an awesome God we serve.
Do you know that not everyone who went to bed last night, woke up this morning? Some passed on in their sleep, some were rushed to hospital and they died there, some were shot and killed on their bed? Yes! on their bed, it's happening all around us like wild fire. No where is safe anymore.
We give God all the Praise for the gift of life today. Because we are alive today does not mean we are holier than those who passed on. It is only out of God's love and mercy that we are still here. So give God all the Praise! Alleluia!
Do you know that one day, it will be my turn or your turn to depart this world?
Have you thought about where you are going to spend eternity?
The highest I have heard anyone live in this our present generation is a hundred & twenty (120) years, but eternity is forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and .............................
Where are you going to spend eternity?
In heaven with God the father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the beautiful Angels and our departed loved ones who made it there? or with the ugly, monstrous, forever doomed, useless satan and his demons?
Choose today whom you will serve and where you are going to spend eternity.
It is a serious matter. Don't ignore it.
Remember, the question you will be asked is not how popular, or how famous or how powerful or how rich you were on earth, or how holy you pretended to be while on earth, not how many times you went to church and clapped your hands and gave tithes and offerings?
All these are good, don't get me wrong. Not even how poor and needy, you were, because some people think because they don't have, it's a license to rob and kill others.
However, the question to answer is
how much did you love? How did you love God and your fellow human beings? Love in all sincerity not by lip service.
Read all about it in the book of Matt 25:31-46.
When Jesus was asked, which is the great commandment in the law? He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart....... You shall love your neighbor as yourself ". Again
Read Matthew 22:36-40.
Please take time and read and may the Holy Spirit grant you understanding as you do.
God bless you in Jesus mighty name. Amen.